MH Films, a prominent production house based in Mumbai, was founded by Manish Harishankar, a seasoned writer and director in the Hindi film industry. Harishankar has made significant contributions to the industry, including directing films such as ‘Chaarfutiya Chhokare’, available on Amazon Prime, and ‘Laali Ki Shaadi Mein Laddoo Deewana’, featured on Zee5.
With 23 years of experience, Harishankar began his career as a first assistant director (1st AD) on notable projects like ‘Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani’, ‘Phata Poster Nikhla Hero’, and ‘Halla Bol’. His extensive background reflects a deep understanding of the craft and a commitment to delivering high-quality cinema.
MH Films is dedicated to creating original content for theaters, OTT platforms, and television. Its current project, ‘Showstopper, is a web series in the final stages of post-production, promising to uphold the company’s reputation for excellence in storytelling and production quality.
Current Project: Showstopper- Web Series
The web series **”Showstopper”** is an upcoming project from **MH Films**, spearheaded by **Manish Harishankar**, a seasoned writer-director with over 23 years of experience in the Hindi film industry. The series is currently in the **final stages of post-production** and promises to deliver engaging, original content.
While specific details about the storyline and cast are yet to be disclosed, “Showstopper” is positioned as a fresh and captivating narrative designed to appeal to modern audiences. It is expected to blend high-quality production with compelling storytelling, a hallmark of Harishankar’s approach to filmmaking.
Targeting the growing demand for premium content on OTT platforms, “Showstopper” aims to set new benchmarks in entertainment, delivering a series that resonates with viewers while reflecting MH Films’ commitment to quality cinema. Keep an eye out for updates and announcements about this exciting new series!
Current Project: Triveni-Live In. Concert
(Under Fameplayers)
Triveni: Three Master Performers- is an extraordinary live musical concert that brings together three legendary artists—Shankar Mahadevan, Anup Jalota, and Hariharan—on a single stage for the first time. This landmark collaboration launched with a spectacular performance in Ahmedabad on December 27, 2024, and continued with another grand show at the Indira Gandhi Arena in Delhi on December 29, 2024.
The concert is part of a 12-city tour, promising to enthrall audiences across the country. With two highly successful performances already in its repertoire, the next destination will be announced soon, keeping fans eagerly awaiting the next chapter of this musical journey. Stay tuned for updates on this iconic tour that celebrates the richness and diversity of Indian music.